we begin with proposing the website as a vehicle/train, a moving space where many ideas/concepts/forms/directions can come together and apart, can change tracks and routes. a way of weaving our webs collectively and individually and reimagining our maps.
we as company, inquiet company of each other, are currently four, trying to be with each other and the spaces we inhabit. we are extending our arms out and holding our palms open forcollective creating, listening, doing, and ways of coming together and being a part of...
the organs of any organism are recognizable structures that perform specific functions. an organ is made of several types of tissue and therefore several types of cells. we propose these four organs as containers/carrierbags for creating to come:
the current
always regenerating, moving: this current is where we begin with practicing creating collectively. it holds space for different approaches/channels to one monthly changing idea. it is an invitation for extending out and bringing in your input and ways of worlding. it is ebbing and flowingvisible echoes
this is a collection and the ripples of our doings.here you can find past currents, a kind of map to return to, continue with, and recycle.it is bringing past into pathsthe ways we come together
we come together collecting paths and strings, listening with forms and concepts. sharing lists, concerts, gatherings, playlists, recordings, recipes, pieces, lectures...parts of us. it is a place to exchange*************************************
" it matters what matters we use to think other matters with. it matters what stories we tell, to tell other stories with. it matters what knots knot knots, what thoughts think thoughts, what descriptions describe descriptions, what ties tie ties. it matters what stories make worlds and worlds make stories."
⁃ donna haraway